
The content of all Global Agility Services communications with you is confidential. 



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Dear Visitor,

Our Global Agility training is based on what I learned about people while helping refugees in conflict-zones.  If you are reading this you may need to adapt to the changes Globalization is making in our Economy and Society, but, unlike a refugee, you have the time and control in your life to manage the process.

We want you to join us in fitting in better in the world as it is.  We do not want to tell you what to think, value, or believe or who to be.  Our training is successful if it makes you more effective in the world-wider context of our lives.  What you do with that is your business.

I say all this because Global Agility training addresses topics that touch on who we are, on our identities.  It invites you to reflect upon yourself.  You will make judgements about yourself.  We will not.  That’s our pledge.

In our view we are all on the same journey.  And, as we become more globally agile, we meet people who are starting their climb and others who are ahead of us. 

We are not talking to you about You as if we were experts in You.  I have been on the journey for some years now.  The questions we ask you are designed to determine your starting point on the map we have drawn of the journey.  If you are new to the process, we can chart a best way forward.  If you are already agile, we can help you thrive.


Robert Pianka, Founder Global Agility Services

Robert Pianka, Founder

Global Agility Services

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