Globally agile people:
qualify better for jobs that require intercultural competence,
learn and integrate more during culture-specific intercultural training, and
perform better in e intercultural assignments.
A recent study….
Defined a global mindset as “the ability to recognize and reflexively adjust to cultural signals so that an individual's effectiveness is not compromised when dealing with people from different backgrounds…”
And found that "84 percent ... of companies that achieved or exceeded their business targets (deemed "overachievers" in the study)...say their organization recognizes different cultural values and preferences in business activities. This compares to only 26 percent of..."underachieving" companies..."
It was recommended that
"Companies not only should promote people who have a global mindset because of their success, but also articulate that as part of their success…”
"Global mindsets also need to be continuously reinforced, as it's very easy to slip back into our normal parameters…”
Global Agility training is an ideal way for recruiting companies to retain, upgrade, and collect dues from their pool of candidates.
“The Global Mindset Inventory is a psychometric assessment tool that measures and predicts performance in global leadership. Most citizens of the world grow up as unicultural individuals who learn how to live and work with people who are like themselves. The global world of business today has brought many different unicultural individuals together, expecting them to work in multi-cultural and cross-cultural environments.”