The final part of your Global Agility Exercise will be to compare your outlook with that of our caricature of "Cousin Sam", Uncle's Sam's globally agile, tech-savvy son. 

NOTE:  You do not have to adopt Cousin Sam's globally agile outlook.  You must, though, re-think your outlook in the context of the globalized/globalizing world as it is.  The assumptions that prevailed during the post-WWII era no longer apply in today’s post- post-WWII era.  For instance, the USA no longer enjoys the isolation historically afforded us by geographic distance as well as demographic and economic size.   We established an intertwined world of free trade then we digitized it.  We now live eyeball-to-eyeball with everyone else on the planet.

So, reconsider each of your answers and ask yourself, "How might I think my way through toward his answer?"

Cousin Sam.PNG