We begin the onboarding process with a quick self-assessment and advanced self-assessments. These provide information for a program design collaboration. We finish onboarding with a broad, deep, and solid program foundation.
You will focus on 3 or 4 topics at a time. Topic modules include 5 phases: Introduction, Introspection, Immersion, Activities, and New-skill-practice.
You will have 365/24/7 access to your program and us through the Coachaccountable app.
We will meet on Zoom to start your Program, every two-weeks to keep you on track and productive, and once per quarter to revisit your Program.
After establishing your base-line cross-cultural effectiveness through self-assessments and program design, you also take a 3rd party assessment. You will repeat the 3rd party assessment at the end of your year to measure your progress in becoming more globally agile.
Our guided Covalence Conditioning™ Program includes a strategic focus on concrete lifetime goals like securing an international assignment or launching an international business. You compile the output of your Self-Assessment and On-boarding forms in a biography. We use this Global Agility Biography to draft the starting point of your Mellography (from the Greek μέλλον or méllon for future), a vision of who you want to become in the global context of your life.
Then your Covalence Conditioning™ Program Designer personalizes your 1-year program by prioritizing and ordering the topics you will focus on. We personalize your program within our 6-Levels/perspectives Framework and take into consideration your emotional attitude toward each topic (we like to work with positive emotions). We distinguish a critical path of Core topics. We select other topics for the positive feedback you will experience or to involve stakeholders in becoming more globally agile with you. We schedule visits to the remaining topics as time allows.
Once your program starts, your Covalence Conditioning™ Program Guide keeps the year-long program design in mind, allowing you to focus intently on 3-4 topics at a time. We manage your annual Program through Coachaccountable where you will have 365/24/7 access to your current topics. Coachaccountable also provides resources, tools, and structure for the 5 phases of you focus on each topic: Introduction, introspection, Immersion, Activities, and New-skill-practice.
We will meet periodically to advance progress on the topics that you are working on and to remain oriented in your Program. During Quarterly meetings we revisit your Program design to make sure it is the best guide possible for the coming three months.
A final meeting will center on retaking the online evaluation to verify that you are more “aware, self-aware, discerning, and effective in your interactions with people from other cultures.” Your Mellography will serve you as an internalized road map of your accomplishments and remaining ambitions.
Start-up fee on sign-up (covers cost including for initial Global Assessment Inventory (GAI) which you will repeat at the end of your program to measure your results.) Program cost billed quarterly in advance. You can out-board at the end of any quarter by not renewing.